10 things to consider when hiring a React JS development company
Not all React JS development companies are the same, and there are lots of things to consider when hiring one, including how much work they’ve done in the React community, what tools they use, how they handle security issues, how easy they are to communicate with…and on and on. It’s too long to list them all here, but that’s why I wrote this guide! Here are some of the most important things you should know before hiring a React JS development company so you can make an informed decision.
1) Have you chosen the right developer?
Asking the right questions can save you from investing in developers who won’t be able to fulfil your needs. Hiring ReactJS developers for your project? Keep these 10 tips in mind. 1) What is the developer’s level of experience with JavaScript and its frameworks like React, Angular, Vue or Ember?
2) How long have they been coding professionally?
3) How do they work under pressure?
4) Is there any chance of overlap between this project and others they are working on at present? 5) Do they use libraries like jQuery or Bootstrap in their projects or do they prefer vanilla JavaScript solutions that use features found in ES6 (ES2015)? And what is their experience with frameworks like Redux and GraphQL that have been gaining popularity recently?
2) Are you working with the right technology?
If you’re only using front-end technology like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, your skillset is likely to be outdated in 2020. This will result in a lower potential for income and growth. A solid way to solve this issue is by partnering with an organization that offers Java development as well as other back-end technologies such as PHP or Ruby on Rails. Be sure you’re looking for companies that have been trusted in the industry for years and are highly skilled at what they do.
1) Do I have the right programming languages or code libraries? If not, partner with an expert who has them. You’ll reap the benefits of using those languages or libraries later on down the line when you need them again! 2) Do I have too many tabs open?
3) Is your budget correct?
It is difficult to find someone who can do the job within your budget, which means you will have to compromise on some factors. For instance, you might need an extensive library of reusable components and complex animations in order to justify paying more for the project. You can save money by going with an agency that can work within your financial constraints.
Alternatively, you could choose a freelancer with many years of experience and strong portfolios. However, you might have trouble understanding why they charge what they do or feel like there’s less accountability with a freelancer than with an agency.
Your budget determines the quality of your React JS development company. If budget is no problem then go ahead and spend the extra money!
4) What will be your delivery date and timeline?
Research can often take weeks and is more involved than just one conversation. Consider these ten points if you want to ensure you’re selecting the right partner for your business needs.
1) Who do I need for my project?
2) What is the budget and what am I trying to accomplish?
3) Do they offer the services that I need at a price that’s acceptable?
4) Can I find out anything about them online? If not, why?
5) Have any of their clients gone on record as saying how happy they are with them or does anyone have anything negative to say about them on social media or other places online?
Read More: Top website development company
5) What is your hosting going to look like?
Many developers are willing to provide hosting for their software, but if you’re not clear on what this entails then it’s best not to be caught unawares. If the developer doesn’t offer to host, you’ll need to look into third-party solutions. Google Cloud offers GCP, Windows Azure and Amazon Web Services also offer comparable options. Microsoft also provides SQL Server which is an object-relational database management system (or ODBMS) developed by Microsoft. However, these third-party solutions can cost upwards of $2,000 per month. Hosting on your own can cost around $1,000 per month with the right equipment such as cloud storage and powerful enough server computer hardware.
6) Do you need SEO services as well?
Do you need SEO services as well?
The quality of your SEO will directly impact how successful your business is. Our SEO experts will work with you to determine what needs improving on your website and recommend the right strategy. We’ll keep working until we see results. After we start seeing some rankings improvement, it’s time for us to switch gears: we’ll implement a content marketing strategy that supports the visibility you are earning on search engines.
7) Who do you go through as a middleman?
Oftentimes, businesses choose to go through a middleman agency that specializes in Web application development and design services. This agency can provide you with freelancers who have the necessary skill set and will streamline the selection process. If this route is chosen, one of the first steps is completing an RFP (request for proposal) form that outlines your expectations for the project and gets potential developers interested in meeting with you. From there, you can begin interviewing freelancers on Skype or over email about their skill sets, proposed price and timeline for completion of your project, as well as any prior experience they’ve had working on similar projects. Hire React js development company.
8) How will communication happen throughout the project?
I expect bugs and issues to be prompt, within two days at the most. I am open to testing out an issue for more than two days if it needs that much time but anything more is pushing the boundaries of my patience. In addition, I want to know who will be contacting me about these issues as some companies assign these tasks to individuals instead of specific people which causes confusion and delays. My priority is being able to talk on the phone with someone who can help resolve any problems immediately so that way we can get our work done sooner rather than later.
9) How do you expect bugs and issues to be resolved?
If you are paying for react js development services, be clear about it. What type of technical support and bug resolution do you require? Usually, this means that the bugs should be fixed in less than 24 hours. Any outages should last no more than an hour.
While you are working with the developer, have them document everything they fix on the code or platform. This is crucial if your developer has been with you for some time or is not available any longer. You want to give your future developers all the information. They need in order to resolve any new issues that arise. Re-doing work their predecessor has already done for you.
10) Are they in case of errors or injuries while on-site?
As an employer, you’re responsible for making sure your workers are safe. If there’s ever any accident on site or injury that requires hospitalization, liability is on you. If your development team takes an entire week off because of sickness. You’ll have no production during that time period, and this could delay the launch of the product. This is why it’s important to ask all react js developers if they’re against it. Accidents or injuries while they’re on site.