Do you know how to choose your life insurance?
Life insurance is financial insurance that protects the insured and their family in the event of death or disability as a result of an accident or illness, although it is not a compulsory policy according to Unespa, nearly 20 million users in Spain have life insurance, in order to protect the family unit.
When it comes time to choose life insurance, it is important to consider some aspects that guarantee efficiency and protection. We show you some tips to solve the question How to choose your life insurance?
Life insurance allows us to take care of our relatives when we can no longer do it ourselves, indicating the beneficiaries and the amount they will receive in the event of our death.
How to choose the best life insurance?
Choosing a life insurance that best suits your needs is not something difficult to achieve, you just have to consider a few aspects:
Know the market offers
- Making a brief tour on the web will help you to know different insurance companies, therefore different options, in which benefits cost and conditions may vary, for this it is important:
- Know your lifestyle, although many insurances are flexible and adapt to your needs, future expectations and even your budget, it is important that you know your lifestyle, profession, practice of extreme sports, state of health and age , are some of the factors that influence when hiring life insurance.
- Anticipate what may happen to you, many times age is something that plays in our favor, being young, hiring life insurance can be profitable, however, sometimes, as the years go by, you will have to make some modifications to the policy to add some new coverages.
- Identify the marketing channels, when searching the web, you can inquire about the location of a commercial office to which you can go if you need personalized attention and even where you can attend to minimize doubts and contract the policy.
Know the basic terms
Possibly, there are terms that can cause confusion, for this reason before approaching an insurance company or making a decision online, make sure you know some basic terms, so you will more easily understand what is being talked about:
- Coverage: are the risks protect by the insurance company.
- Sum / Insure Capital: it is the maximum money for each possible loss contemplate in the contract.
- Beneficiaries: apart from you, they are those people that we designate to receive compensation in the event of our death, these beneficiaries can be modify, as long as you have not stipulate otherwise in the contract conditions.
- Premiums: are the schedule payments that you must make for the coverage of the policy, according to the modality provide in the contract, and may vary according to your age, state of health, insure capital, among others.
Policy Coverage
It is very important to know the coverage offered by the insurance policy, in addition to the benefits for each of them. The main coverages are:
- Coverage for death, within this coverage there is the option of choosing an insurance that covers only the expenses of death or a guaranteed capital for the beneficiaries of the policy, in this sense it is necessary to determine if the coverage that we contract only covers the death in case of accident or for any reason.
- Coverage for absolute or temporary disability, here there are many options from absolute and permanent disability for any reason, to temporary disability, you have to be very clear about what coverage is cover or not.
It is also important to evaluate the exclusions of the different life insurances, since some insurers are more limiting than others. Knowing this aspect will allow you to compare the qualities you are looking for when choosing your life insurance.