Simply explaining how to rank a website on Google is difficult enough. To succeed in a sector that is becoming more complex, one has to have a firm grasp on a broad range of intricate topics. The nine key points you must check off in order to rank in the new year are covered in this episode. You may also receive some tips on how to communicate it to others.
We’re going to go through how to rank in 2023 in a quick checklist approach by SEO Malaysia this week.
I am aware that many of you sometimes ask if it is even possible to explain how to rank a web page to someone who is not in the SEO industry. You know what, though? Let’s take a closer look at it on this week’s Whiteboard Friday. I tweeted, “Send me a concise checklist in 280 characters or less,” and I received some incredible replies. Here, I’ve given credit to several people who have contributed. To attempt to rank in Google’s results, there are a tonne of details to rank in the SEO field. The bulk of what is needed to rank in the next year, however, may be covered by just a few elements, namely the nine we have here when we draw back and consider broadly. So let’s get started on it.
1. Accessible and crawlable URLs
Therefore, we want Googlebot’s spiders to be able to access this page, grasp the material there in a text-readable manner, and understand photos, graphics, videos, embedded content, and whatever else you have on the page in a way that they can add to their web index. That is important. All of the other information is irrelevant without it.
2. Keyword study
In order to solve or find solutions to the problems that people are experiencing in your environment, we need to understand the words and phrases that searchers really use. These should be issues that your business, website, and content will genuinely assist to address and find solutions to.
A major keyword plus, ideally, a group of closely linked secondary keywords that reflect the searcher’s purpose are what you’re after here. Therefore, all of these words and phrases should have the same meaning in order for the same material to serve them. Once you’ve done that, we’ll have two sets of keywords to use as targets for our optimization efforts.
3. Check the SERP to see what Google thinks the searcher would find relevant.
You must do some SERP research, i.e., run a Google search, check what results are returned to you, and then deduce what Google considers to be relevant to the keyword searches. What information does Google believe will resolve this searcher’s issue? You’re attempting to determine the purpose, the kind of material needed, and any potential gaps in the information. You may be able to fill a vacuum and overtake that ranking place if you can identify areas where, “Hey, no one is serving this, but I know that people want the solution to it.” We appreciate Gaetano’s excellent tip on this one, @gaetano nyc.
4. Request the best qualified individual to provide material that will advance the searcher’s objective.
There are three components to this. First, we need someone or few people who can genuinely develop material that is legitimate and deserving of amplification. How come? Because if we do so, we increase the likelihood of amplification, link building, social sharing, and the credibility of our content in the eyes of both searchers and visitors as well as in Google’s eyes. I would thus strongly advise you to do so, to the extent that it is practicable.
Next, even though we’ve optimised a lot of these other things, we’re trying to help the searcher achieve their objective and complete their work. We want to accomplish it better than everybody else on page one because if we don’t, Google will eventually recognise, you know what? Searchers will rank those other folks higher since they are dissatisfied with your result in comparison to other results. Dan Kern, @kernmedia on Twitter, deserves a lot of credit for coming up with this brilliant idea.
5. Post captivating meta descriptions and title tags.
Yes, Google still commonly uses the meta description. I am aware that sometimes it seems they don’t. However, a significant portion of the time, the page’s real meta description is utilised. Even more of the time is where the title is utilised. The URL is used in the snippet along with other components, however Google sometimes truncates them. Later on, we’ll discuss about schema and other types of markup. But since it affects how it appears in the search result, the snippet is something that is essential to your SEO efforts.
People will click on your listing or someone else’s depending on how Google presents your result. The snippet is your chance to invite people to click you rather than the other men. If you can optimise this from a relevance and pure click-drawing standpoint, as well as from a keyword one utilising the terms and phrases that people desire, you can really win.
6. Use major, secondary, and associated keywords intelligently.
In order to convince Google that your information is pertinent to the searcher’s query, related keywords, or those that are semantically associated, must be in the text content of the page. Why do I say text content in this context? Because they may not count it if you just provide graphics, video, or any embeddable format that Google can’t always readily decipher. You need to show Google that the page has the necessary keywords since they may not consider it to be true content.
7. To improve content, use rich snippets and schema markup.
Not everyone is able to do this. However, there are times when getting rich snippets for travel or flights, other verticals that schema is currently supporting, or for Google news, or if you’re in the recipe industry and can get visuals and images, or if you have a featured snippet opportunity and can get the visual for that featured snippet along with that credit, is great. It is important that you seize such chances.
8. Improve page speed
When I say “look fantastic,” I mean both from a user experience and visual point of view. It should be possible for someone to do their work on any device, at any pace, and be safe at the same time. Critically crucial is security. Although HTTPS is not the sole issue, it accounts for a significant portion of Google’s current concerns, and HTTPS was a key area of concentration in 2021 and 2022. In 2023, Google will undoubtedly continue to concentrate on it.
9. Who and why will assist spread this word?
You must work to build strong links, mentions, and word-of-mouth across the web and across social media when you have that excellent response—I mean, a specific list of people and SEO publications who are going to help you amplify it—so that Google’s crawlers and humans—that is, people—can see your content as highly relevant and high quality.
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